USS Chillicothe-A - A proud member of the writing group.


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USS Chillicothe, NCC 6039-A
Basic Statistics  
Class Name
Steamrunner, Mark 2 (Refit variant)
FF (Full Frigate)
Model Number Ia
Physical Specifications  
Length 240 m
Beam 160 m
Draft 40 m
Displacement 375,000 mt
Decks 9
Total 240
Officers 35
Crew 180
Passangers 25 (50 emergency evacuation limit)
Propulsion Systems  
- Warp Propulsion Systems -  
Drive Manifold Classification Singular Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Core
Reactor Identification Serial MAMR-MOD 34
- Impulse Propulsion Systems -  
Drive Manifold Classification Interlinked Impulse Fusion Reaction Motivator
Reactor Identification Serial UPSYIRD-1034
Secondary Reactor Identification Serial RT-0101
Maximum Sub-light 0.32 c
Standard Cruise 6.0 c
Maximum Cruise 8.8 c
Twelve Hour Emergency 9.5 c
One Hour Emergency 9.93 c
Core Failure 9.95 c
Phaser, Type XII  
Number of Emmiters Six
Range 300,000 km
Arcs primary hull dorsal array (90 degree arc)
  primary hull ventral array (90 degree arc)
  primary hull/port nacelle dorsal array (60 degree arc)
  primary hull/starboard nacelle dorsal array (60 degree arc)
  port nacelle ventral array (60 degree arc)
  starboard nacelle ventral array (60 degree arc)
Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launchers Mk IV Seeking/Direct
Number of Launching Tubes Two
Delivery Time Five seconds
Maximum Payload/Burst Ten
Reload Delay Six seconds
Full Payload Sixty seconds
Range 3,500,000 km
Arcs Two forward (primary hull, ventral mounted)
Standard Torpedo Launchers Mk IX Seeking/Direct
Number of Launching Tubes Two
Delivery Time Four seconds
Maximum Payload/Burst Four
Reload Delay Ten seconds
Full Payload Forty seconds
Range 3,500,000 km
Arcs One forward (primary hull, ventral mounted)
  One aft (primary hull, central mounted)
Torpedo Complement  
Total 300
Quantum 90
Photon 180
Transphasic 30
Sensor Package  
Short Range Sensor Grid Type Steam-SRSPAL-1 Omnidirectional Multi-Resolution System
Medium Range Sensor Grid Type Steam-MRSPAL-2 Omnidirectional Multi-Resolution System
Long Range Sensor Grid Type Steam-LRSPAL-3 Omnidirectional Multi-Resolution System
Sensor Probe Launcher One forward (primary hull, ventral mounted)
Total Probe Compliment 10
Class One 4
Class Two 3
Class Three 2
Class Four 1
Computer Resources  
Computer Core Fleming-102-a
Secondary Core Model SAMP-5-Mod-15
Tractor Systems  
Tractor Beam Emmiter Serial Type XXXIII
Number of Emmiters 3
Arcs Primary Forward Dorsal
  Primary Forward Ventral
  Secondary Aft Ventral
Defensive Systems  
Hull UPSY-Karron Duranium/Tritanium Double-Hull reinforced with 3cm MAC- 15 Ablative Armor
Deflector System BC-4t Cocoon Multiphasic Deflector System
Ablative Armor Generator System MAC-19 Replication Network
Mosquito Defense System Ack-98uyT Theta
Number of Turrets Four
Arcs One forward (primary hull, ventral mounted)
  One port/bow (primary hull, dorsal mounted)
  One starboard/bow (primary hull, dorsal mounted)
  One aft (primary hull, ventral mounted)
Ammunition 50,000 rounds of 30mm projectiles
Countermeasures SFCDF-Beta Drone Defense 115.23
Drone Launchers One
Arcs One aft (primary hull, ventral mounted)
Total Drone Compliment Five
Other Systems  
Holographic Command Center, v.4.1.0  
Structural Integrity Field SJNB-Model-34 Generator Network
Personnel (6 being maximum) 3
Evacuation (20 being maximum) 1
Cargo 1
Embarked Craft  
Shuttlebays 1 (Primary Aft Dorsal)
Workbee Shuttlepod 4
Personal Shuttle 3
Long-range Shuttle 2
Shuttle, D-Warp 1
Cargo Shuttle 1
Class Notes

Engineered after the historic battle against the Borg at Wolf-359 as part of StarFleet's effort to modernize its aging fleet, its design was based on the larger Sabre class light cruiser and intended to act as a counter-part for it in larger operations.

The design incorporates a few innovative features, the most notable of which is the attachment of the forward sections of the warp nacelles directly to the rear of the primary hull. This was done for several purposes. It enabled the engineering crew easier access, ensuring less downtime for maintenance and faster repair times. Secondly, the result is a much sturdier design than more traditional ships, with the nacelles able withstand a much greater amount of shearing force. In fact, one of the designers working on the Sovereign class wanted to incorporate the design into the new cruiser, but his proposal was rejected because of the time it would set the project back.

Another unusual feature is the relatively small secondary hull, as compared to similarly sized designs, which is not directly attached to the primary hull. Essentially consisting of the deflector dish, a tractor emitter and key components of the long-range sensor array, it contains no other key systems. Again, this is done to ensure easier access to various important systems for the engineering staff speeding up maintenance and repairs. Only being attached to the rest of the ship via an inverted-roll bar between the nacelles has had the undesired result of making it difficult to access the secondary hull in emergency situations. It is currently standard operating proceedure for damage control teams to travel there by means of a site-to-site transport during any yellow or red alert situations.

Its primary hull is also shaped far less elliptical than ships like the Galaxy and Nebula classes. With a more angled profile, the hull is slightly stronger than older hulls like the Miranda class. Following the success of the Defiant class, ablative armor was mated to exterior of the chassis to provide additional protection. After the advent of the emergency ablative armor generation system, all Steamrunners were scheduled to be refitted with the new system. The system replicates huge interlocking plates of 10cm thick armor onto pylons built on the hull, which are held in place with a sophisticated force-field grid, powered by the ship's deflector systems, running through the plates and pylons. Though the fields provide no additional protection against enemy ships, they do prevent enemy troops from being transported aboard. This system is usually reserved for emergency use, because the ship cannot raise its shields while the system is in use and it has to drain half of the ship's supply of replicator matter.

As is standard with most frigate designs, the Steamrunner is quite heavily armed for a ship of its size. Able to launch 24 torpedoes at targets lying in its forward arc in under 5 seconds, it is well suited for its primary roles of escorting other vessels through hostile territories and combat patrol, as well as providing substantial fire-support in larger engagements.

While it may be armed as well as larger ships, it cannot withstand nearly as much punishment. In combat situations where it lacks support, a Steamrunner's crew must attempt to use the ship's superior mobility to avoid taking damage.

Advanced System Notes
Computer System (Fleming-102-a)
The Fleming-102-a computer system. This system is a new development and included the first completely BIO Gel pack computer. The whole system is in one dual-barrel gel pack supported in an armour shell for protection and has proved to be the fastest computer system presently used in Starfleet.
HCC (Holographic Command Centre)
The HCC is a system similar to the Holodeck and Astrogation Lab; however both systems have been been joined. The duty Command crew can observe the situation they find themselves in from a 3D perspective: they can actually appear to walk through space and look upon unknown ships or spatial events or control Multiple vessels. The original system was tried out on the USS Fortitude and has been tried on other vessels, the system is currently in version 4.1.0, demonstrating its phenominal success.
Mosquito Defense System

The Mosquito is a step up in countermeasures from the aging Nettle Defense System. Where as Nettle had to be targeted and locked onto a target the Mosquito system takes a more historical approach. In essence the Mosquito is an old fashioned machine gun. However, the mosquito is slightly different.

The Mosquito uses eight rotary barrels to fed with 3 rotary magazines, mounted on an turret to fire well over 7,500 rounds/min of 30mm projectiles.

The approach may sound out dated, but a projectile at sub-light speeds thrown into the path of an object, even an object at warp would be torn apart. This is why the mosquito was designed. It tracks the course of a target and fires in its path to shower the enemy: the enemy in this case being torpedoes and fighters.



Composed by Aaron MacRae, with the assistance of Richard Woodcock; based on Steamrunner-class starhip, property of Paramount. Used without permission, for the personal use of the composer and the other players on the USS CHILLICOTHE-A, in GYPSY FLEET, solely.

This technical readout does not attempt to represent, in any way, the actual layout of the Steamrunner-class starship. It is nothing more than a fictitious interpretation, with a great deal of speculation and improvisation, intended to be a useful reference to the players of the USS CHILLICOTHE-A.

No copyright infringement was intended.

Last updated Sunday, May 5th, 2002.
Contact Aaron MacRae (Commander Chasseur/Lieutenant Galappathy)
Contact Trav Marcum (Command Master Chief Men'ok/Doctor Lonip)
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